Let's Go Back to the Bible

Peacemakers–a rare breed

Making peace is easy…when most everyone is peaceful, or when the circumstances are mostly peaceful, or when the situation is already headed for peace. But, when making peace isn’t so  automatic or easy or expected, that’s when the true peacemakers step up.

Are you a true peacemaker? Do you promote unity and pursue harmony with brethren even when…it is not popular, or when others have let you down, or when your feelings have been hurt, or when hate and bitterness are swirling, or when things are not going your way, or when it will mean swallowing your own pride, or when the situation seems absolutely hopeless?

Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matt. 5:9). Jesus knew that relationships, even among Christians, would not always be “peaceful.” He pronounced a heavenly blessing upon the one who would take it upon himself/herself to go and make peace. Is that you? Don’t be a peace-wisher! Be a peace-maker!