Let's Go Back to the Bible

No “watch and wait” in the Golden Rule

Jesus said, “As you wish that others would do to you, do so to them” (Luke 6:31). Do you wish that others would chew you out and curse at you? No? Then don’t do that to them! Do you wish that others would make fun of you and laugh at you? No? Then don’t do that to them! Do you wish that others would talk about you behind your back? No? Then don’t do that to them!

That’s the “don’t” side of the Golden Rule. What about the “do” side? Do you wish that others would treat you with respect? Yes? Then do that to them! Do you wish that others would say nice things TO you and ABOUT you? Yes? Then do that to and for them! Do you wish that others would take time to do a small act of kindness for you? Yes? Then do that for them! Do you wish that others would go out of their way for you? Yes? Then do that for them!

Too often we sit back and wait to see how others are going to treat us, so that we can decide how to treat them. Jesus didn’t say to wait. Jesus said to get up and “do”…even before they do!