Let's Go Back to the Bible

Nevertheless at Your word I will

When you’ve been doing something your way for so long and have all but perfected it in your own way, for someone to tell you to do it differently may not always sit so well. Imagine being a fisherman and you’ve fished all night and caught nothing, and then a carpenter comes along and tells you how to fish. Would you listen?

That’s exactly what happened in Luke 5, but that carpenter was Jesus Christ. He told the disciples, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch” (5:4). While they had been fishing all night (in the way that they knew as professional fishermen to do) but with no success, look at Peter’s words: “…nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net” (5:5).

Do you ever think you might know better? Better than Jesus? Do you have (Have you had) your way of doing something? When the Master Carpenter of Life gives us instructions, may we have the heart that looks at our way of doing it and then says, “Nevertheless at Your Word I will!”