Let's Go Back to the Bible

Maybe some new tools, but still the old system

Hiring our fourth secretary in five years is quite a process, but it’s made me realize that no matter how things might change they remain the same.  We have a newer copy machine than five years ago, but it still makes copies.  We are reproducing CDs and DVDs now instead of cassette tapes, but it is still the same gospel being spread.  We have changed slightly the look and distribution of our bulletin, but we’re still publishing a weekly bulletin.

Compare the concept.  The church today might meet in air conditioned buildings with padded pews and indoor restroom facilities.  They might use aluminum trays for the weekly Lord’s Supper, PowerPoint for the congregational singing, and write checks for personal contributions.  This might all be “new” to a Christian who worshiped in the first century, but there is no reason that the worship of God itself and the avenues He has given to us for acceptable worship should ever change.  The “tool” might be new, but the “system” had better be the original!