Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Lead me to some soul today!”

The words that Will H. Houghton penned 75 years ago seem an appropriate meditation for the beginning of a new year.  Slowly and soberly reflect on these words and pray unto the Lord, “Lead me to some soul today; O teach me, Lord, just what to say.  Friends of mine are lost in sin, and cannot find their way.  Few there are who seem to care, and few there are who pray.  Melt my heart and fill my life: Give me one soul today.”

The reality is that you can be sure the Lord will answer your prayer.  Will He lead you to some soul today? Yes, and He probably already has at least once today.  Will He teach you what to say? Yes, He already has in His Word.  Will He melt your heart and fill your life with opportunities? Yes, if you will let Him.

So, this year, will you be one of the few who cares?  Will you be one of the few who prays?  Will you be one of the few who speaks to a lost soul?  Will you be one of the few (Matt. 7:14)?