Let's Go Back to the Bible

It’s a scientific theory? Really?

Ok, so I looked up a kids’ definition for “scientific theory.”  Sometimes science definitions (for adults) can get so convoluted that you need a definition of the definition.  Let’s get it simple and easy for everyone – “a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory.”  “Once the [hypothesis] phase has been carried out (at least to some degree) and there is some experimental evidence that supports the hypothesis then it will often begin to be…combined into a ‘theory.’”

Fascinating!  A scientific theory, according to the definition given to kids, requires (1) experimental testing and (2) some experimental evidence that supports the hypothesis.  Think about this for a minute.  Have you ever heard of the scientific “theory of evolution”?  Yes?  Ok, why is it called a theory?  By definition, it had to be tested (how can you successfully test spontaneous generation of life or the Big Bang “theory”?) and have some (yea, any) experimental evidence from those tests?  Don’t get fooled!  Evolution is nothing more than a device of Satan to destroy faith.  Put your faith in God!  Not in science!