Let's Go Back to the Bible

It doesn’t matter who wrote the Bible!

A favorite topic of some Bible scholars is, “Who wrote the book of Hebrews?” Of course, it could be equally asked, “Who wrote the book of First Kings?” Or, “Who wrote the book of Judges?” The answer is that we do not know for certain. But wait! We do know!

Consider another line of thought. Who wrote “Galatians”–Paul (1:1) or an amanuensis (6:11)? Who wrote “Romans”–Paul (1:1) or Tertius (16:22)? We know Paul was the inspired author but he also employed a penman to do the bulk of the actual transcription. So, who wrote the books?

It is important to know who authored individual books in the Bible; otherwise, God would not have revealed to us the ones which He did. It is important to know who scribed books in the Bible; otherwise, God would not have revealed to us the ones which He did. However, knowing the specific identity of each author and each scribe is essentially inconsequential, as much as knowing which of my daughters transcribed this article for me. The only truth that matters and has been preserved throughout Scripture is that God wrote the Bible–every word of it!