Let's Go Back to the Bible

Is it a translation or a negotiation?

While the New International Version has never claimed to be a word-for-word translation of the Bible, it is amazing how much this popular translation has allowed the thoughts and wishes of mankind to influence its work.  As one small example, in the 1985 version, Mark 4:25 ends, “…whoever does not have (singular), even what he has (singular, masculine) will be taken from him (singular, masculine).  In order to fit culture’s gender-friendly and gender-neutral political correctness, Today’s NIV in 2005 changed it to: “…as for those who do not have (plural, neuter), even what they have (plural, neuter) will be taken from them (plural, neuter).”  But, guess what?  Every Greek verb in that sentence is third person singular!  To translate it as plural is incorrect. So, in the 2011 version of the NIV, Mark 4:25 ends this way: “…whoever does not have (singular, neuter), even what they have (plural, neuter) will be taken from them (plural, neuter).”  Notice the change over the years from singular-singular-singular verbs to plural-plural-plural verbs to singular-plural-plural verbs.  So, is this supposed to be a translation or a negotiation?

This is not an attack on the NIV.  It is a wake-up call for all of us.  If “Bible translators” can be influenced by culture, so can you!  Serving God requires consecration, not negotiation!