Let's Go Back to the Bible

Instead of buying toys this Christmas…

Christmas seems to come faster every year! And, as kids (especially girls) get older, the challenge of what to buy seems to increase! I have a humble, fatherly, brotherly, heart-felt request to make of every parent who has a daughter.

Instead of buying her toys this year (whatever those “toys” are now), please buy her shirts that cover her cleavage. We expect that she has breasts, but we don’t need to see them. Please buy her shorts that come down her thighs. We expect that she has a bottom, but we don’t need to see it. Please buy her clothes that are not skin tight. We expect that she has all of the normal body parts for a girl, but we don’t need to see their shapeliness.

Is this too direct, too harsh or too graphic? I hope it is the right balance to get our attention. We need to consider (even in our attire) what is “fitting for saints” (Eph. 5:3-10). “Modest apparel” (1 Tim. 2:9) will not “conform to this world” (Rom. 12:2) or “put a stumbling block” (Rom. 14:13, 21) in the path of another. Parents, let us, please, take this seriously.