Let's Go Back to the Bible

In good times and in bad, He’s there to care!

Have you ever been at a point in your life when you thought that the whole world was against you and that everyone had deserted you?  Perhaps you’ve experienced friends turning away from you and even family members distancing themselves, yet when your parents were alive, they were/are the steady and reliable foundation to whom you knew you could turn when there was absolutely no other place to go.  But, what if you reach a point of despair so deep that even your parents abandon you?  Whether you have experienced a time of desperation similar to this or not, savor the wonderful thought that David expressed in Psalm 27.

“When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me” (Psa. 27:10).  The NASB says, “The Lord will take me up.” The ESV says, “The Lord will take me in.” When I have absolutely no where else to go, I can go and knock on the Lord’s door and He will take me in and take care of me!  Oh, what a thought!!! (Wait!  You read this last paragraph too fast!  Go back and savor this wonderful thought a little bit longer!)