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Imagine trying to be friends with Peter

Just as there are a number of “interesting and peculiar characters” in the world (and in the church) today, there were a number of “interesting and peculiar characters” in Jesus’ day. Can you imagine what it would have been like to be friends with Peter? Imagine being James or John when Peter kept jumping in and answering the questions first (sometimes not even thinking about his answer). But, even more, imagine being Jesus when one of your closest companions acted so impetuously, often saying and doing things that must have irritated and bewildered Jesus to no end.

And yet, Jesus continued to take Peter into those private moments in His life (Mark 5:37; 9:2; 13:3; 14:33). He continued to love Peter, encourage him and treat him with patience, kindness tenderness and grace (even as Peter surely continued to do and say bizarre things). After Jesus was raised from the dead, He wanted to make sure that Peter came to Him (Mark 16:7).

Got anybody like Peter in your life? How do you treat them? Like Jesus would? — DS