Let's Go Back to the Bible

“I’m trying to get my life together”

So many folks who are not yet Christians have held off on making that final decision to be baptized into Christ and to give their life to the Lord UNTIL “I get things in my life straightened out.” Likewise, many Christians have stumbled over the years and then hold off coming back to the Lord UNTIL “I get my life put together again.”

With all due respect (and I mean that!), friends, you’ve got it backwards. When your life is in pieces (like Humpty Dumpty after his “great fall”), you are ill-equipped to “put it back together again”…by yourself. But do you know who is perfectly qualified to “straighten out” the kinks in your life and “put you together” just right? The ONE who made you!

A truly penitent heart will realize that the One, in whose image I have been “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psa. 139:14), knows the pieces of my heart (1 Sam. 16:7) and my life (John 2:25), and HE will help me put everything together just right (2 Cor. 5:17). Do you trust Him?