Let's Go Back to the Bible

If you’re not seeing Christ, you’d better look again

Our world is trying get you to see things and think things that Jesus Christ would NEVER have you to see or think. Who are you going to follow? Whose approval are you going to seek? 

Satan’s greatest attacks against the church are often those attacks that come from within. If the devil can get us turning on each other, then he’s won the battle. Thus, he wants you to see certain things and think certain things when you look at your brethren. Instead of seeing Christ in each one, he wants you to think: “He’s so old and out of touch.” “She is so young and naïve.” “Why do they have to have more money than we do?” “They couldn’t afford this if they wanted to.” “He’s a black racist.” “She’s the posterchild for white supremacy.”

If you have ever had any of those thoughts about your brethren (or anything similar at all), now is the time to repent and make up your mind that such devilish judgments will never cross your mind again. We are “ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS” (Gal. 3:28). Think about every word in that!