Let's Go Back to the Bible

I want my friends to…

As you think about your friends, what would you really like for them to do? Some might say: “I want my friends to like me…to accept me…to want to be around me…to think that I am fun…to think that I am cool…to invite me to their fun activities…to not judge me for being a Christian…to not think I am weird for my beliefs…to think that I am like them…to think that I am ok with and understanding of immoral behaviors, etc.” Truth be told, do some Christians “de-Christianize” themselves periodically around their friends, so that they will be accepted?

Can I ask you a question? The people that you call your “friends,” are they really your friends? If you truly care about them, should you not finish the sentence above in this way? “I want my friends to…BE SAVED and GO TO HEAVEN!” If your friends are lost in sin and go to hell, are you ok with that? Will they be ok with that? What your friends need the most is for you to be a faithful Christian and tell them what you know about Jesus Christ (Mark 16:15; Matt. 5:16)!