Let's Go Back to the Bible

Are You Dull of Hearing?

Hebrews 5 shows the writer talking about the Son of God, when th ere is a sudden pause. The writer says that there is “much to say” about Him, but that it has become difficult because the audience has become “dull of hearing” (Heb. 5:11). The verses following that statement discuss how those the writer is addressing should have been teaching, but that because of their dull hearing, the writer has to backtrack to the “milk” of the Word, or in other words, the basics. It is understandable why the writer would have been frustrated, considering these listeners already were at a point where they knew better, but they allowed themselves to fall short.

Do we allow ourselves to fall under the same category as those to whom the Hebrews writer was talking? Have we become dull of hearing to the point that we are not where we should be? Let us analyze ourselves and be honest with that question. Are we truly pushing toward the point where we should be, even when that feels overwhelming? Perhaps there are leadership roles that need to be taken on, such as the teaching role to which the Hebrews writer referred. Or perhaps it is something such as a lack of church attendance, lack of personal study, lack of involvement with other members, etc. We need to discern for ourselves if we need to improve. May we lay aside the things we need to move past. May we grow into the Christians that God asks us to be!