Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Hello! My name is…”

At one time or another, we’ve all pressed onto our chest one of those fancy peal-and-stick nametags that says, “Hello!  My name is ______.”  We’ve worn them at meetings or events where not everyone knew who we were, except maybe a few others.  Thankfully, at those meetings/events, everyone else was also wearing a nametag, because we didn’t know who they were either.  Nametags…what would we do without them?

How many people do you know well enough that they would not need to wear a nametag at all for you to identify them by name?  Would you say that number is less than 1,000?  Can you imagine anyone knowing 10,000 people well enough that a nametag would be completely unnecessary in order to identify them by name?  What about 100,000?

Guess what?  God knows millions.  Actually, God knows billions and billions of people, not only by name but by their heart!  And to God, each one is known individually!  Aren’t you glad!