Let's Go Back to the Bible

Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, fetus for fetus?

In an interesting section of Old Testament Scripture that discusses various confrontations and punishments to be inflicted (including capital punishment), the Lord addresses the situation where a pregnant woman would be involved.  Notice God’s evaluation of life in the womb.

“If men fight, and hurt a woman with child…” (Ex. 21:22-23).  God says that the pregnant woman is “with child”—not “with fetus”! “…So that her children come out” (v. 22, ESV).  Does “her fetus come out”? No!  In her womb are children!  Verse 22 deals with the situation when “no harm follows.”  But note especially verse 23—“But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life…”  God does not use a different word to speak of life in the womb (the life of the child) and life out of the womb (the life of the man causing the harm).  Both have life!

What do you think is God’s evaluation of anyone who causes children (who have life!) to come out of the womb prematurely?  God hates aborting innocent life (cf. Prov. 6:16-19)!