Let's Go Back to the Bible

Ever feel useless?

Have you ever had one of those days when you just feel absolutely useless to the Lord? You have a rough night’s sleep and you start the day off a little testy. You try to make the best of it, but then you check your email and there’s a harsh message from someone who misunderstood you the day before. On your way to work, you try to pray and ask for God’s help, but some drivers seem particularly interested in trying your patience and brake pedal. You can’t seem to do anything right at work and everyone is on your case for this, for that, for things that aren’t even your responsibility. You almost make it through your entire day and then you realize that you didn’t talk to anyone about the Lord all day and didn’t invite anyone to worship. All in all, you’re not sure what the Lord sees in you, and you wonder how you can feel so useless.

As Christians, there are some days that are better than others, but let us trust the Lord! Let us pray (on our knees, with our hearts laid open) that He will set us apart, use us up and prepare us for every good work (2 Tim. 2:21). Pray it fervently and often enough, and He’ll answer!