From the time that Nehemiah set out to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, there was opposition, namely from some neighboring officials named, Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem (Neh. 2:19-20). At every step of the way, they tried to interfere and stop the rebuilding. In chapter 6, they attempted a variety of devious and dishonest methods of discouraging and impeding Nehemiah. It’s no wonder that in the middle of these stressful encounters that Nehemiah prayed this short petition, “But now, O God, strengthen my hands” (6:9).
Think about that prayer. It was not long. It was not filled with big words. It was not lofty and grandiose. It was simple. It was to-the-point. It was sincere. It was urgent. It was trusting. As you read through Nehemiah, that describes most of the times that he burst into prayer.
Think about your prayers. Nehemiah seemed to pray short prayers throughout his day, whenever He needed to talk to his God. That’s not a bad practice.