Let's Go Back to the Bible

Communication overload, but are we communicating?

As of today, if I wanted to get you a message, I could call you on your home phone, call you on your cell phone, call you on your work phone, send you a text message, send you an instant message, send you an email, send you a private FB message, write on your wall, look for you on Google+, Skype you, handwrite you a letter and mail it, hire a skywriter, train a pigeon, etc.  (There are obvious ones I have missed and new ones I don’t even know about.)

We have so many means of communication today that we can be overwhelmed with the possibilities.  But, are we communicating?  Are we communicating better than we ever have?  There are some who would argue that more means of communication does not equal more or better communication.  Let us not lose sight of the value of a face-to-face, eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart conversation.  Technology has given us more means to draw closer to each other, but it seems to have actually driven us further apart in some respects.  Perhaps this is why God commanded us to “Greet one another” and to be “Hospitable to one another.”