Let's Go Back to the Bible

Church friends

There are NO friends like church friends! Sometimes you have “school friends” or “work friends” or “neighborhood friends” or even “family friends,” but there are NO friends like church friends! They are the kind of friend, as wisdom would suggest, “who sticks closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24), because they truly are a “brother in Christ”! Church friends love you deeper, truly care for you as a person and want the very best for you in every way.

Someone says, “Well, I don’t have any church friends.” Go back and read the first part of Proverbs 18:24—“A man who has friends must himself be friendly” (NKJV). We know that to be true, whether the Bible says it or not. Have you earnestly sought out church friends? Have you come early and lingered late at church services, in order to visit? Have you involved yourself in all the activities of the church? Have you invited folks from church to go to lunch?

The number of and strength of your church friendships will reflect how much effort you expend. Let us build and enjoy the best friendships heaven has to offer!