Let's Go Back to the Bible

Church for Sale

It’s strange to drive down a road and see an old church building with a sign that says, “Church for Sale.” For whatever reason, the building at that location is now vacant and no longer being used. So, what is actually for sale is a “Church Building,” not the “Church.”

The “church” was already bought! Paul told a group of elders that “the church of God [was] purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28). There was NO price that any man could pay in order to “buy” the church! Christ did that!

Unfortunately, there have been some, in the last two millennia, who have put the church “up for sale,” as it were. They’ve “sold it out” for their own personal agenda, for some manmade doctrine, for some desire to “fit in” with other manmade religions, for no good reason at all. In some locations, the church that Jesus paid for is no longer the church that Jesus paid for.

Let us love Jesus’ church as Jesus did and does (Eph. 5:25), and let us never give it up!