Let's Go Back to the Bible

Bible Class teachers don’t get enough credit!

Some of those working the hardest, studying the best, influencing the most lives, and yet getting the least amount of attention or expressions of gratitude are our Bible Class teachers!  They devote themselves to teaching for three months, oft times twice a week.  (And most of our teachers do this every year; some of them more than one quarter per year.)  They are charged with the awesome task of teaching the Bible to children and instilling faith in their hearts, while at the same time not doing any harm to the ones who misbehave all the way through class.  In far, far too many unfortunate cases, our Bible Class teachers are saddled with the responsibility of being the only avenue by which the child receives Bible teaching, for their parents are not fulfilling their responsibility of teaching God’s Word at home.

So, to all of our Bible Class teachers (past, present and future), THANK YOU!!! You are greatly appreciated for all that you do!!!