Let's Go Back to the Bible

Babies all cry in the same language

Being around large crowds last week, it struck me.  There were babies of all nationalities, with parents who obviously had a native language other than English, crying and crying and crying.  Yet, they all sounded the same, and any parent (no matter their nationality and native language) could understand their cries (prompted by hunger, discomfort or exhaustion).

Then, I made the spiritual application.  The numbers range (from what I can find) from 6,800 to 7,000 different languages on this planet.  Wow!  That’s a lot of languages!  Yet, every soul on this earth cries out in unified tongue (prompted by spiritual hunger, discomfort or exhaustion) for the saving power of the gospel!  Are we listening?  Souls are dying!

Make one more application.  Every parent hears when a baby cries.  Every parent knows the needs of that crying child.  Yet, only that baby’s parents move to respond.  Our Father hears, knows and responds to His children “who cry to Him day and night” (Luke 18:7)?