Let's Go Back to the Bible

2020 Bulletin Articles (Page 4)

Before the Election (Part 4)

Is it possible to disagree with someone and still be respectful? It doesn’t seem that way. From some of the highest public offices to the streets of our cities, it doesn’t seem like the American public can be respectful to one another. However, no matter who occupies a government office and no matter their policies, there are things that we owe them.…

When You Give on Sunday, Do You Worship?

The coronavirus has changed the way some congregations are doing the contribution on Sundays and the way some individual Christians are giving on Sundays.  As in all things, we must ask, “What does the Bible say about our giving on Sundays?”  A modern-day practice or even a long-time tradition should never cause us to do something that is not authorized. Let’s examine…

Can You “Secretly” Be His Disciple?

There was no way one could see the miracles of Jesus and not be forced to make a decision about who He was. Unlike the “miracles” of televangelists of our day, His miracles were always instantaneous, complete healing and never a failure. He immediately restored hands visibly deformed, cleansed those whose leprosy was obvious to all, and He even raised the dead.…

Before the Election (Part 3)

What do Christians do exactly? Looking at Christendom from the outside one might get the wrong idea of the intended focus. One could say that Christians are about championing political causes. They fight for right wing social reform or moral conservatism. One might say Christians are involved in acts of benevolence, helping the less fortunate or working in a soup kitchen. Some…

Before the Election (Part 2)

So, they debated this week. The only thing that can be certain is that one of them will be president. No matter the outcome of the election, I will continue to trust God. He is still Lord, and He continues to uphold us with His righteous right hand (Isa. 41:10). Before the election we must remember that our true citizenship is not…

21 Biblical Meditations During Communion (Part 3 of 4)

Each week, the faithful child of God looks forward to that blessed opportunity to commune with the Savior around His table, as he remembers His Lord’s death, discerns His Lord’s body and examines himself.  This series of articles has examined the Biblical importance of doing that properly every Sunday and has sought to offer some practical and Biblical ways to fulfill this…