Let's Go Back to the Bible

2019 Bulletin Articles (Page 6)

Follow the Leader

A children’s game from long ago involved getting all participants in a line, and one individual was selected to be the leader. Every person was to keep watching and doing everything the leader did. If he took giant steps, everyone in the game had to stay in line and take a giant step at the very place he did. There was a…

I Want to Take My Kids!

Raising kids can be fun, difficult, exhausting, exciting, challenging, thrilling, nerve-racking, joyful and rewarding—all wrapped into one wonderful experience.  As your kids grow up, there are always certain things you want to do with them and certain places that you want to take them.  “When they get old enough, we need to take them here.  During the summer, we need to go…

Open Doors Will Be Closed

Jesus’ words in the parable of the ten virgins have a great application in the way we live our lives. Those virgins who failed to bring enough oil for their lamps found themselves unprepared for the arrival of the bridegroom. When he came, the wedding celebration began, and they were not included. His words? “And the door was shut” (Matt. 25:10). The…

You Can’t Be Putting the Church First If…

Christ will not accept second place in our lives.  As our Creator (Col. 1:16), our Sustainer (Col. 1:17), our Savior (Phil. 3:20) and our Lord (Acts 10:36), He expects and demands to “have first place in everything” (Col. 1:18).  Second place is not an option (cf. Rev. 3:16). It is evident that such priority and preeminence applies to His body, His church,…


Lighthouses have always been a comfort to those that see them. Lighthouses have been around since ancient times. The most famous was the lighthouse of Alexandria on the Nile River Delta. It was built between 280-247 BC almost three hundred years before Christ was born.  It is estimated to have stood 330 feet high and was one of the seven wonders of…