Let's Go Back to the Bible

2019 Bulletin Articles (Page 15)

Dissecting a Servant’s Heart

What is it that sets a servant-hearted person apart from everyone else?  What could I do to become more servant-hearted?  Jesus said that He “did not come to be served, but to serve” (Matt. 20:28).  That demands introspection!  Am I a true servant?    I should want to be a servant!  But how? After many long years of sacrificial service to others, a…

Slow Down, Don’t Read the Bible Too Fast

Sometimes we read the Bible too fast and then form conclusions which hinder our ability to fully see the message of God. Read the passage below to see if you may have overlooked what others have overlooked and thus reached wrong conclusions. On Paul’s second missionary journey he received the Macedonian call and went to Philippi. After the conversion of the households…

God Will Take Care of You!

Jacob and his children (the “Israelites”) went down into the land of Egypt as a family of 70 persons (Gen. 46:27).  They went to Egypt because they were in need of food, due to the severe famine in the land.  Exactly 430 years later, the children of Israel “went out from the land of Egypt” (Ex. 12:40-41), as a mighty nation with…

“A Funny Way to Count”

“So, how many did we have here today?” The question is asked in regard to the number of attendees at the lunchtime Bible study.  “We had one, eighty-one,” is the response shouted back.  What?!  Everyone can obviously see that there were not over 100 people at the Bible study!  There are barely 181 chairs even set up in the room, and less…

Living in Harmony with God

I saw a grandfather holding his grandson. The man was standing with his arms holding the child. On the man’s face you could see complete contentment. The boy had melted onto his grandfather’s shoulder. His eyes were open. He was perfectly still. It appeared as though he had no cares or worries. He was just happy about where he was. Both were…