Let's Go Back to the Bible

2018 Bulletin Articles (Page 18)

New Study Shows

Do you remember the first time something that had been taught in school as truth was later shown to be incorrect? Apart from evolution and other pseudo sciences, for me it was Pluto. In 1996, its status was questioned when other objects larger than Pluto were found orbiting the Sun in the same area. In 2006, the scientific definition of a planet…

“Dear Friend, I Found Love”

Friend, the things that I have found are pretty amazing!  Wouldn’t you agree?  The one that I’m about to share with you gets rather personal, because it centers on the greatest of all things—love. First, I found the truth about sin. Because He loves us, God revealed His will for us in the pages of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16-17).  When we…

Apple, the Forbidden Fruit

Apple received a letter from the California Teachers Pension (CalSTRS) investor Jana Partners recently. Apple was asked to develop software that would make it easier to control the amount of time children spend on their phone. Also, she asked them to do a study on excessive phone use and mental health. Apple responded saying that since 2008 they have had apps that…

“Traditions” or Traditions

The Bible speaks so clearly about the place of traditions in our service to the Lord. Jesus lived in a world which was beset with Jewish “traditions,” which were so embedded in daily living that they often kept men from serving God. On the other hand, there are verses which clearly tell us we must keep traditions and never depart from them.…

Having a True “Happy New Year”

How many times in the last few days have you heard these words, “Happy New Year”? Probably far more than you can remember. These words may have various meanings depending on one’s background and their own personal values. Have you ever considered the spiritual aspects and implications of this phrase? Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount can so easily help…