Let's Go Back to the Bible

2015 Bulletin Articles (Page 5)

For Refugees Have Fled

Syria, most of us know very little about their uncivil civil war or the political policies and reasons for its existence. You may have heard about the millions of people fleeing the country. In 2011, when the conflict started, there were 100,000 refugees. That number has grown exponentially to 3.8 million that have fled the country and 7.2 million that moved to…

His Lessons About Eagles

The imagery God uses to describe His nature and the way He works on this earth is so remarkable. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus used the imagery of God’s careful attention to the lily of the field. His clothing of a lily whose “lifespan” is so brief is God’s assurance He will cloth us. In that sermon, He talked of…

Narcissism and You

“I was born of the Hebrew persuasion, but I converted to narcissism.” This whimsical quip was said by Woody Allen when asked of his religious persuasion in the movie, Scoop. While this may not be his actual position on the matter, it does highlight an interesting thought. Have we converted to narcissism? According to the Mayo Clinic, narcissism is defined as “a…

No Mortal, Not Even the Pope, Can Forgive Sins

As the pope’s visit to America approaches, he has announced that this year local priests can absolve individuals of the sin of abortion. Prior to this announcement, forgiving this sin was restricted to those of a higher rank in the Catholic church. It is difficult for many to understand these matters. The Roman Catholic church teaches that there are “levels” of sin.…

A Christian’s Work Ethic

We are living in a time when hard work is often hard to come by and stick-to-itiveness regarding certain tasks is in short supply.  Many employees are found glued to their phones rather than helping customers.  Many employers have to make certain concessions just to fill needed positions.  The entitlement mentality permeating our nation has made it hard for businesses to find…

The Greatest Love Story

His love for her is one that has inspired both writer and poet, song and sonnet. The true story of a man that loved his bride more than life itself, more than any earthly treasure. Even, it seems, more than she loved him. It was clear to most that she did not deserve his love or such devotion. To the same crowd,…