Let's Go Back to the Bible

2014 Bulletin Articles (Page 13)

Saved Hearts Praise God Often

It is difficult to imagine how heaven rejoiced when the church began. Acts 2 describes that time when the most devout Jews from every nation under heaven arrived at Jerusalem and found a treasure they did not know existed. They thought they already had found what God had planned for them—the holy altar where sacrifices for their sins were made, the beautiful…

Church Building Evangelism

I remember seeing a sign posted so all those leaving the building could see it. It said something like, “Evangelism begins as you leave this building and extends to all the world.” There is no question that His words, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” and “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Matt.…

11 “Be’s” for Training Children in and for Worship

Training children to sit and to behave in worship can be a challenge, but it is a challenge worth taking and mastering—for the child’s good, for your good and for the church’s good.  Children have been part of God’s assemblies since Old Testament times (cf. Deut. 29:10-13; 31:9-13).  To properly train them and nurture them in the ways of the Lord, children…

A Victorious Sunday

The Lord has promised us repeatedly that we will be winners if we will just trust in Him. John said, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). He also described our faith as that key element which brings victory over the world (1 John 5:4). We truly are on the winning team.…

Your Family Resemblance

One of the fun things about Facebook is seeing pictures of kids, especially pictures of kids whose parents you knew when they were children.  It’s enjoyable to see eyes and smiles on the faces of children that look exactly like eyes and smiles from twenty or thirty years ago. What makes children resemble their parents so much?  That is not a hard…