Let's Go Back to the Bible

2012 Bulletin Articles (Page 2)

New Children’s Bible Class Program

Beginning in January 2013, a new Bible Class Program for our children will be launched, after three years of preparation and development.  There are several key persons who have made this possible and deserve our thanks, but for lack of space and fear of overlooking someone, thank you to each of you “off the record.” “Stepping into the Bible,” written by PBL…

What IF We Had a National Leader Who Would Do This Again?

On March 3, 1863, a Resolution was adopted by the U.S. Senate and then signed by President Abraham Lincoln on March 30, 1863, to proclaim a national day of prayer and fasting.  Read in stunning amazement some of this Proclamation by a U.S. President. “Whereas, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the Supreme Authority and just Government of Almighty God,…

Why Do We Have Attendance Cards?

At every service at Palm Beach Lakes, members are asked to fill out an Attendance Card to record their presence.  Why do we do that?  Some might think, “That’s so old fashioned; we don’t need to do that anymore.”  Others might say, “What a dumb tradition; the old people like doing it but it doesn’t make sense to me.”  So, why are…

Speaking in “Unknown Tongues” is Still in the Church!

First Corinthians chapter fourteen shows that the church at Corinth had a problem which impacted their assembly. This made it impossible for worship to take place. The miraculous gifts were designed to enhance worship, but the abuse of them created chaos. The misuse of the gift of tongues made worship impossible. The gift of tongues had their place. It was designed to…

Donuts Are Good, “Do Nots” Are Bad

The wealth of practical teachings for everyday living in Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” is almost limitless for us in our study of this great passage.  Lessons can be gleaned by looking at the text from a number of different vantage points.  It is particularly instructive to see how many times Jesus says “Do not” in this passage.  Consider these sayings in…