Let's Go Back to the Bible

2012 Bulletin Articles (Page 10)

Why Are You Reading This?

If you are reading these words, you are probably in a minority among Christians.  That is not a pessimistic statement, but one of observation and deduction.  Not all Christians attend Sunday morning worship; fewer come to Bible study and evening assemblies; still fewer actually bring a Bible with them to services; still fewer actually open their Bible during the services, etc.  If…

“Whoever Calls on the Name of the Lord Shall Be Saved”

The inconsistency of the common denominational “plan of salvation” can be readily perceived if closely examined.  The general position is, “We must each come to God the same way…as a sinner who…relies totally on Christ alone by faith alone for our salvation.  If you would like to receive and trust Christ as your personal Savior, you may want to express your faith…

Looking for Signs From Heaven?

So they came to Jesus to ask for a sign. He had already turned water to wine, healed every sick person brought to Him, fed the multitudes on two occasions and spoken life changing words. Yet, they were not satisfied. What more could God do to show the authenticity of Jesus and the new covenant He was revealing? His answer was, “No…

“I Just Don’t See How Using Instrumental Music Would Matter to God!”

“Does it really matter to God if we use instrumental music in worship today or don’t use it?”  “Doesn’t He have more important things that He is concerned about?”  “How can it be conceivable that He would reject a worship service that had a piano or a guitar?” These types of questions are often asked today to justify playing mechanical instruments in…

A Divine If/Then Statement

Most everyone understands those if/then kinds of statements. It is a sentence which begins with the word if, then it states an action and ends with the consequence of that action. What child has not heard a parent say, “If you ever do that again, then . . .”? What dating couple has not had as part of their conversation, “If you…

“I Must Confess That I Must Confess to My Brethren”

When a child of God sins (and he will sin, 1 John 1:6-10), Scripture teaches that he must confess his sin to the one he has sinned against, seeking forgiveness.  The Greek word for “confess” (homolegeo) literally means “to speak the same thing,” with the idea being “to assent, agree with.”  Every sin that we commit is against God (in violation of…