Let's Go Back to the Bible

Which Bible Do You Have?

There are so many different Bibles available today.  Do you have one of those “baby Bibles”?  The one that is light blue or pink or white and is small enough to fit into a baby’s hand.  Those are precious and are a great way for young children to learn to love the Bible.  Do you have one of those pocket-sized or checkbook-sized Bibles?  Sometimes it’s the entire Bible, and sometimes it’s just the New Testament.  Those are convenient editions to take with you anywhere you go.  Do you have one of those handy-sized Bibles?  It’s not too big and not too small.  It’s a handy size to carry to worship or to a Bible study.  Do you have one of those large-print Bibles?  They often come in “large,” “giant” and “super-giant” print.  They’re easier on the eyes, but maybe not as easy to carry.  Do you have one of those study Bibles, reference Bibles, analytical Bibles?  Those usually provide very helpful aids in studying various topics that are developed throughout the Bible.  There is great variety in these types of Bibles, and careful Bible students will use them with caution, remembering that notes in the margins are put there by men.  The variety of Bibles thus far discussed does not even begin to touch the abundance of what is available, including compact Bibles, devotional Bibles, parallel Bibles, chronological Bibles, Bibles for teens, Bibles for women, Bibles for children, etc.

Now, what’s the point of all of this?  There is definitely a wide variety of Bibles available today, but when you get beyond “what kind” it is and “what features” it might have, what kind do you have?  There is one type of Bible out there called the “Open Bible.”  It doesn’t really matter if you have that name (“Open Bible”) printed on the spine of your Bible; what matters is that you open your Bible!  There is one type of Bible out there called a “Study Bible.”  Again, it doesn’t really matter if you have that name (“Study Bible”) printed on the spine of your Bible; what matters is that you study your Bible!   There is one type of Bible out there called a “Daily Bible.”  It doesn’t matter if you have that name printed on the spine of your Bible; what matters is that you spend time daily with your Bible!  There is one type of Bible out there called a “Life Application Bible.”  Even if that is not printed on the spine of your Bible, what matters is that you make application to your life every time you study your Bible!

Sometimes we place a lot of emphasis on “what kind” of car we drive or “what kind” of clothes we wear or “what kind” of food we eat, etc.  However, what really matters is, “What kind of Bible do you have?”  Is it an open, study, daily, life application Bible?  Is it a well-worn, marked-up, been-through-a-lot Bible?  With all that is happening around us in our country today, we need to make sure we’re getting into our Bibles and that the Bible is getting into us!