Let's Go Back to the Bible

“I Just Don’t Enjoy Worship”

Have you ever uttered or even had the thought, “I just don’t enjoy worship”?  Have you ever heard anyone say, “I just don’t enjoy worship”?  Have you ever known someone who by their actions (perhaps their frequent absence from worship) was saying, “I just don’t enjoy worship”?  If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, may I ask you a few more?

Do you not enjoy praising God and our Savior Jesus Christ through singing? How does your heart respond to songs like, “I love you, Lord,” or “He could have called ten thousand angels,” or “Count your many blessings, see what God hath done”?  Does your heart find joy in praising the wonder and majesty of God?

Do you not enjoy approaching the throne of the Almighty God through prayer? How does your heart respond when your mind contemplates the incredible privilege to express thoughts like, “My Father in heaven,” or “thank You for all You have given to us,” or “please bless our homes,” or “please forgive us of our sins and have mercy on us”?  Does your heart rejoice that your Father hears, listens, cares and answers?

Do you not enjoy honoring the gracious providence of God through giving? How does your heart respond when the basket is being passed and you reflect on God’s continued and limitless blessings that He constantly gives in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over?  Does your heart give cheerfully to the God who has and is giving all to and for you?

Do you not enjoy communing with Jesus and remembering His suffering and death through the Lord’s Supper? How does your heart respond when, in remembrance of Him, you meditate on His body enduring such violent cruelty and His blood flowing profusely in His vicarious sacrifice on the cross?  Does your heart feel humbled and yet joyful and thankful for His love?

Do you not enjoy studying God’s Word and hearing the power unto salvation proclaimed through preaching? How does your heart respond when the sword of the Spirit is being exclaimed and explained in order to set hearts and lives on the narrow path that leads to everlasting life?  Does your heart find joy in hearing a message from God?

Worship, when your heart is truly and fully engaged, will bring joy to you and, even better, to God!