Let's Go Back to the Bible

Re-Cover the Uncovered

It is time for reasoned, seasoned and determined Christian adults and parents to take a stand and hold their position on the God-fearing morality that must characterize our lives, our homes, our families and our congregations.  The moral principles so clearly detailed in Scripture and exemplified so beautifully in the life of our Savior must be the sole guide and focus of our existence on this earth.  If we choose to compromise or even to waver from them for but a moment, the schemes and sway of the devil and his worldly influences are set to pounce.

Young people today, in general, have seemingly lost  all sense of personal dignity, propriety and prudence in their daily choices and actions.  Pornographic magazines cornered the market for some time.  Then came videos.  Then came the internet.  All of these were means to view the licentious images.  But, with the advent of the world wide web and the ease of not only receiving data but sending it as well, young people (and it’s not just limited to young people) began not only viewing these lewd images but sharing their own as well.

Next to enter the scene was the cell phone “Family Plan,” where everyone in the family has their own phone.  This works great for keeping up with your kids, but, like many other helpful pieces of technology, the devil seems to find a way to twist his deviant tricks into everything.  The latest craze among today’s young people is called “sexting”—a practice similar to texting with the cell phone but sending naked photos of themselves instead.

I have no idea where this will all end, but I know how it can end.  We must take a firm stand for the God-fearing morality that is outlined so explicitly in the Bible.  The will of our Savior and God is that we reserve our bodies for, and only for, our spouse.  This includes all sexual conduct (1 Cor. 6:9), sensual behavior (Gal. 5:19) and even the shame of nakedness outside of God’s prescribed marriage relationship (cf. Rev. 3:18).  Read the Old Testament usages of “nakedness.”  At least 24 times in Leviticus 18 alone, God condemns “uncovering the nakedness” of others.  This was a Hebrew idiom for intercourse (cf. Ezek. 16:36; 23:18), which should be an obvious indication to us how closely God links nakedness and sexual activity.

I know this has been kind of explicit, but we must know what we’re facing and then determine to confront it!