Let's Go Back to the Bible

Penetrating Questions & One Obvious Answer

These thoughts were penned by Jessie Brown Pounds in 1887, but the passing of years has not left these words without meaning and application in our lives today.  Rewritten in the form of questions, meditate on each of these and reflect on the responsibility that each answer brings to our lives.

“Is the name of the Savior precious to you?”

“Has His care been constant and tender and true?”

“Has the light of His presence brightened your way?”

“THEN, will you not tell of your gladness today?”

Did you answer “YES!” to the first three questions?  Then, the answer to the fourth question should be obvious!

“Has your faith in the Savior brought its reward?”

“Have you found in a strength in the strength of your Lord?”

“Is the hope of a rest in His palace sweet?”

“THEN, will you not, brother, the story repeat?”

Did you answer “YES!” to the first three questions?  Then, the answer to the fourth question should be obvious!

“Are the souls all around you living in sin?”

“Has the Master told you to bid them come in?”

“Have they never the sweet invitation heard?”

“THEN, will you not tell them the cheer-bringing word?”

Did you answer “YES!” to the first three questions?  Then, the answer to the fourth question should be obvious!

We all know of the Lord’s care and presence in our lives; that’s why He’s is so precious.  We all have found strength and reward in Him; that’s why we long for His rest.  We all know of souls all around us who have never heard the gospel; that’s why our Master sent us to them.

We KNOW all of this in our minds.  We are not without understanding of these truths and simple concepts.  All that remains is—WHAT are we going to DO about it and WHEN? When will you tell of your gladness?  When will you tell the story of Jesus?  When will you share the cheer-bringing message of the gospel?

The soul-piercing words of this song remind me of 1 Corinthians 14:15 and the need to always “sing with the understanding.”  But, after we sing this song with the understanding, we need to live the words of this song with the understanding that souls (including ours) are at stake.    Brother or sister, will you not tell it today?