Let's Go Back to the Bible

Mission Sunday—Not Pride, but Thanksgiving

When Paul looked at all that was happening in his life, it is obvious he understood the meaning of life. Though he had suffered much and made many sacrifices for the Lord, he saw the end result of it all. It would “cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God” (2 Cor. 4:15). It never was about him or what he had done! All that mattered was that thanksgiving might ascend to heaven in an abundant way to glorify God.

This thought is so fitting as we think about the contribution we made this past Sunday. How should that gift be regarded? It ought not to be a matter of selfish pride of what we did. Those who measure themselves and congratulate themselves are not wise (see 2 Cor. 10:12)! The Biblical way is to see it as an avenue of thanksgiving which brings glory to God. I am so thankful for Mission Sunday.

I am thankful God allows us to give. He doesn’t need our money to do His work—it is already His. When the Jews failed to see this, He told them, “If I were hungry, I would not tell you; for the world is Mine, and all its fullness” (Psa. 50:12). I am just thankful that He uses His silver and gold which He has given us to be used by Him! He could have accomplished His works in a thousand ways, but He chose to use us!

I am thankful for the sacrificial hearts of my brethren at Palm Beach Lakes. We are not a rich congregation, but we are a congregation that is rich in love for the Lord and in a love for the salvation of the lost. Who would have ever dreamed that since Mission Sunday began nine years ago we would give more than a million dollars to be spent on world evangelism! Those sacrifices made by so many when added together have brought it all about. I thank God for letting me be part of a family of believers who sacrifice so much for Him.

I am thankful that prayers of thanksgiving will ascend to God because someone loved them. We only see the tip of the iceberg of Mission Sunday. Think for a moment of that time when we stand in eternity. Think of those from Africa, the south Pacific, South America and literally around the world who will hear Him say, “Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you…” (Matt. 25:34), as they joyously enter those gates because of you! It is not selfish pride which you have—it is a heart of thanksgiving that God has used you. Before that day they will likely pray, “Thank you Father that someone loved us enough to send the gospel to us.” That someone is you!

I am thankful for what He will do with us in the future! Just think about it and be thankful!