Let's Go Back to the Bible

Men, Why Did You Say, “I Do”?

“Sir, why did you get married?” Was it “to have sex” or “to have someone to cook and clean for me” or “to have someone to do my laundry” or “to consolidate bills” or “to have more money by combining incomes” or “to be happy and settle down”?  Was there any reason beyond you and your own desires for getting married?

If you are already married, please take time to consider the following and examine where you should make appropriate changes in your marriage.  If you are not married but plan on being married one day, please take time to evaluate where you should be when that happens.

Since Jesus is our perfect example in all things, are you aware that Jesus got married?  Yes, He certainly did.  The Bible refers to the church as “the bride” of Christ (Rev. 21:2; 22:17).  So, as husbands, let us look to Jesus for why we should marry and how we should behave once we’re married.

Jesus married because He “loved the church” (Eph. 5:25).  This unconditional, unselfish love seeks what is best for the one loved.  Jesus did not marry for selfish reasons.

Jesus married when He “gave Himself for her” (Eph. 5:25).  His sacrificial love prompted Him to give “Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God” (5:2).  Jesus gave (and continues to give) His all in order to marry His bride.

Jesus married “that He might sanctify” her (Eph. 5:26).  He wanted His bride set apart unto Himself and to Him alone.  She belongs to Him and no one else.

Jesus married the church, in order that He might “nourish and cherish” her (Eph. 5:29).  He wants to provide for her and keep her warm with His tender care.  Jesus does not want His bride having her deepest needs met by anyone else.

Jesus married so that He could commune with His bride every Lord’s day (Matt. 26:29; Heb. 2:12).  There is nothing more important to Jesus than worshiping “with” His love every Sunday.

Jesus married with an eye on the second coming, “that He might present her to Himself a glorious” bride (Eph. 5:27).  Jesus wanted (and wants) more than anything to spend an eternity with His bride in heaven.  Jesus has done all that He can to make that a reality.

Sir, would you go back and read these things with eye on extracting a personal application from each one?  Jesus is the ultimate example for us in our responsibilities within our marriages.  If these six emphases above, which Jesus had for His marriage, do not match yours, what changes do you need to make…today? For Jesus, there is nothing more important!