Let's Go Back to the Bible

Masking the Symptoms

There are dozens (if not hundreds) of products on the market that do nothing but “mask symptoms.”  Air fresheners may do nothing but mask the odor without actually addressing the actual cause of the odor.  Throat lozenges may do nothing but numb the pain without actually addressing the actual cause of the pain.  Throw rugs may do nothing but cover the stains in the carpet without actually addressing the cause of the stains.  The examples could go on and on.

In our minds, it seems that it is easier to just throw a cover over the “problem” without actually dealing with the problem itself.  We might also do this in our relationships.  Instead of addressing the actual issues that separate us, we may just put on that “fake smile” or we may go into our “quiet mode” or we may just avoid someone altogether.  None of these “solutions” actually address the symptoms of the problem; they more or less just ignore the real issues.

While many of these “masking the symptoms” examples could have serious and devastating consequences, none could ever compare with an attempt to mask serious spiritual symptoms that affect one’s relationship with the Lord.  Think about this from God’s standpoint.

God has warned us of the dangers of sin and its eternal consequences.  To ignore the “symptoms” of the serious affects of sin in our lives and to attempt to improperly deal with them can cost us eternally.

God has warned us of the dangers of materialism and worldliness.  To ignore the “symptoms” of the serious effects of these things invading our lives and to attempt to dismiss them or put a “fake cover” over them can cost us eternally.

God has warned us of the dangers of immorality and fleshly lusts.  To ignore the “symptoms” of the serious allure of these passionate desires in our lives and to attempt to brush them off or make excuses for them can cost us eternally.

God has warned us of the dangers of forsaking the weekly assembly of the saints of God.  To ignore the “symptoms” of the serious impact of absenting ourselves from worship and to attempt to justify such absence from worshiping God can cost us eternally.

God has clearly marked out for us the path that will lead us to everlasting life.  Unfortunately, some stray from the narrow way to the broad way, and then they try to cover up or mask what is really going on in their lives.  God wants us to address the cause of unfaithfulness, not mask the symptoms.