Let's Go Back to the Bible

One of the Toughest Things in the World

From the days of the Old Testament, God has commanded, “You shall not show partiality” (Deut. 1:17).  The wise man of Israel declared, “These things also belong to the wise: It is not good to show partiality in judgment” (Prov. 24:23).

Partiality! It is one of those words that seems to immediately grab our attention when spoken in our presence.  Lest someone have a negative opinion of us, we don’t want to be accused of showing partiality!  Yet, many of us are guilty of it and may not even realize it.

Christians cannot afford to show partiality or favoritism! The second chapter of James is divine warning against showing favoritism.  “My brethren, do not hold the faith…with partiality” (2:1).  In verse 4, this inspired writer parallels showing partiality with becoming “judges with evil thoughts.”  In as simple a verse as you will find in the Bible, God says, “If you show partiality, you commit sin” (2:9).

Parents cannot afford to show partiality or favoritism! Do you recall Old Testament examples of parents who did just that?  “Isaac loved Esau…but Rebekah loved Jacob” (Gen. 25:28).  “Israel loved Joseph more than all his children…” (Gen. 37:3).  Now, do you recall what happened in those two families because of this blatant partiality that was shown?  Can you afford for that to happen in your home?  As parents, we cannot jeopardize the souls of our children with such foolish (cf. Prov. 24:23) treatment!

Elders cannot afford to show partiality or favoritism! If it is dangerous for parents to do so, is it not also perilous for shepherds who are charged with the souls of those in their midst (cf. Heb. 13:17)?  In a  context regarding elders, Paul writes, “I charge you before God…that you observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing with partiality” (1 Tim. 5:21).  How difficult that might be some times, but how necessary for the saving of souls.

God Himself is our greatest example of impartiality! It took some serious intervention, but Peter finally realized, “God shows no partiality” (Acts 10:34-35).  It is against His very nature, as Paul reveals, “There is no partiality with God” (Rom. 2:11).  And for that, are you not eternally thankful?

As Christians, we have no right or reason to show favoritism toward anyone!  May God help us to be like Him!