Let's Go Back to the Bible

Exciting Future for Hispanic Work and PBL

For several weeks we had been saying that a very exciting announcement would be made this past Sunday. Judging by the responses I heard, it is evident that this excitement about the future of the outreach to Hispanics in Palm Beach County and around the world is shared by members at Palm Beach Lakes. There are two aspects of this announcement.

The Merger of the Two Hispanic Congregations

Our work among the Hispanics began in 2003, when six Christians from Guatemala showed up at our services wanting to be part of our work. Because we had been discussing the possibility of starting a Hispanic congregation, it was an easy decision to begin that work using our bilingual members. The work progressed to the point that, in 2006, Douglas Alvarenga and his family arrived to work full time in that effort. They have truly been a great blessing to the effort. Douglas works tirelessly and is such a great Bible student who loves truth. The work has been good, despite the fact that the Hispanic population is somewhat transient. One major problem has impacted the work from the beginning, and that is the fact that most Hispanics live miles away from our building.

In recent months there have been serious, prayerful discussions about how to deal with these matters. Because the congregation meeting at Jog Road and Summit (they formerly met on Dodd Road) has worked with Hispanics for decades, the decision was made to merge the two congregations in October. This larger congregation, located near most of the Hispanics in West Palm Beach, will be a shining light where leadership can develop and evangelism can radiate from that location. We will miss seeing our Hispanic brethren, but strongly believe that the decision will advance His cause!

Our New Missionary to South America

The second part of this exciting announcement is that Douglas Alvarenga will become our new missionary to Argentina. He will begin immediately to raise funds, and by this time next year he and Sandra will begin the work in San Juan, Argentina. We know of his great ability, and because there is no new language for them to learn, they can immediately start the Lord’s work the day they arrive in Sandra’s home country.

We will have far more to say about our new missionary family and their plans in the coming weeks. Remember them in your prayers.

This church has said to God, “Here we are, Lord, use us for Your glory!” Thank God that He is hearing our prayers!