Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Be Thou an Example!”

There are some passages that are so familiar that you just skim right over them.  There are some passages that we think “don’t apply me,” so we move right past them.  Let’s examine a passage that might fall into one of these categories for you and make sure we make the proper application.

First Timothy 4:12 is a passage that our teenagers probably tire of hearing.  Whenever someone comes to speak to them, that is often the go-to verse.  First Timothy 4:12 may also be one of those verses that “older” folks skip over, supposing that it only applies to the “youth” of the church.  Both groups (and everyone “in between”) would do well to pay attention to this verse.  If Christians of all ages need to pay attention to the other 112 verses in the book of First Timothy, then Christians of all ages need to pay attention to this one, too!

All Christians are responsible for being an example for others to follow!  This includes being an example to both believers and unbelievers.  The word “example” indicates being a pattern or model that others can observe and then strive to imitate in their own lives.  When others look at you, would it be a good idea for them to emulate what they see in your life?  That obviously applies to both old and young Christians!

All Christians must be an example “in word.” Others are listening to the words you say and how you say them.  Set a worthy example for them to follow (Eph. 4:29; Col. 4:6).

All Christians must be an example “in conduct.” Peter talks about “having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles” (1 Pet. 2:12).  Do others see Christ in you (Phil. 2:15)?

All Christians must be an example “in love.” If one’s words and conduct are not filled with and motivated by agape love, he is “nothing” and it will “profit” him “nothing” (1 Cor. 13:1-3).  What would others look like if they followed you in love (1 Cor. 13:4-7)?

All Christians must be an example “in spirit.” One’s attitude says loads about them!  Does your attitude look like Jesus (Phil. 2:3-8; Matt. 5:1-10)?

All Christians must be an example “in faith.” A Christian is to be more than just “a good person.”  We must “walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him” (Col. 1:10), so that others may see Him (Gal. 2:20)!  He’s the focus!

All Christians must be an example “in purity.” A Christian is to look different!  He is not to be “conformed to this world” (Rom. 12:2), but to live a life that is “perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1).

Fellow Christian, do not let others despise your youth or your Christianity!  Set an example for all to see and follow!