Let's Go Back to the Bible

A Lesson Our VBS Workers Have Experienced and Taught to Us

I have been so very impressed with the amount of work, the quality of work and the willing spirit behind the work that has gone into our Vacation Bible School.  To every person who helped to cut, paint, tape, glue, draw, copy, color, trace, design, move, lift, cover, bring, buy, give, pour, serve, teach, act, sing, build, hang, decorate, photograph,  pray, etc., etc., etc., your work is greatly appreciated! No matter how large or how small a part you may have had in the work, the end result is nothing less than remarkable.

When you do work for the Lord, it affects you first and foremost. Let’s say it plainly—doing work for the Lord makes you feel good.  It makes you feel like you’ve accomplished something worthwhile and that you want to do more for Him.  You draw yourself closer to God in the process, or maybe it should be said that God draws you closer to Him through His work.  What an impact working for the Lord has on you!

When you do work for the Lord, it affects those who work with you on the project. Working for the Lord can be contagious, but even more, working for the Lord with a willing spirit and a positive attitude can be contagious.  It is exciting to do something for our God, but it’s a blast when you can share the work and share the joy with your brethren!

When you do work for the Lord, it affects those who benefit directly from your labors. There is usually some “recipient” of the good that we do for the Lord (besides ourselves and those who work with us).  Those recipients of our efforts are often children, missionaries, widows, shut-ins, wayward members, the lost, etc.  Devoted workers for the Lord focus on others, recognizing it’s not all about themselves!

When you do work for the Lord, it affects the cause of Christ as a whole. Like a ripple effect in a body of water, it is hard to discern how far a ripple goes and exactly when it subsides.  So it is with the Lord’s work.  When we selflessly work for the Lord (even in small tasks), it has an impact far beyond our realization!

When you do work for the Lord, it affects those who are outside of Christ. When a light is constantly lit, it will eventually be seen by everyone.  Jesus said to let our light “shine before men, that they may see [our] good works…” (Matt. 5:16).  When we are working for the Lord, it will be quite apparent to all around us!

When you do work for the Lord, remember that no labor you ever do for Him will be in vain (1 Cor. 15:58)!