Let's Go Back to the Bible

Rich in Spirit

God looks favorably upon those who are “poor in spirit” (Matt. 5:3; Isa. 66:2), which begs the question — is it possible to be “rich in spirit” and how would God look upon such a person?

Let’s consider some Bible synonyms.  To be “poor in spirit” is synonymous in Scripture to “a broken spirit” (Psa. 51:17), “the lowly” (Psa. 138:6), “a contrite and humble spirit” (Isa. 57:15), “a broken and contrite heart” (Psa. 51:17), “the humble” (Prov. 11:2), “least among you” (Lk. 9:48), “lowliness of mind” (Phil. 2:3), “all humility of mind” (Acts 20:19), “giving preference to” another (Rom. 12:10), “clothed with humility” (1 Pet. 5:5).

Let’s consider some synonyms that the Bible  uses for those who could be described as “rich in spirit”:  “the proud” (Psa. 119:78), “a proud look” (Prov. 6:17), “arrogance” (Prov. 8:13), “wise in your own eyes” (Prov. 3:7), “a haughty spirit” (Prov. 16:18), “a proud heart” (Prov. 21:4), “self-confident” (Prov. 14:16), “loftiness” (Jer. 48:29), “boasters” (Rom. 1:30), “think of himself more highly than he ought to think” (Rom. 12:3), “mind on high things” (Rom. 12:16), “wise in your own opinion” (Rom. 12:16), “thinks himself to be something” (Gal. 6:3), “selfish ambition” (Phil. 2:3), “conceit” (Phil. 2:3), “boasts great things” (Jas. 3:5).

Being “poor in spirit” and being “rich in spirit” are as vastly different as being “poor in this world” and “rich in this world.”  God views them so vastly different, that the rewards He promises for each have no comparison between them.

When it comes to the “poor in spirit,” God will “dwell…with him” (Isa. 57:15), “lift you up” (Jas. 4:10), “give grace” (Jas. 4:6).  They will “retain honor” (Prov. 29:23), “be exalted” (Luke 18:14), be “the greatest in the kingdom” (Matt. 18:4) and be “great” in the eyes of God (Luke 9:48).

The “rich in spirit,” on the other hand, God “hates” (Prov. 6:16-17), “resists” (1 Pet. 5:5) and will “punish” (Isa. 13:11).  They will be “humbled” (Luke 18:14) and “ashamed” (Psa. 119:78).  Their richness in spirit will “bring them low” (Prov. 29:23) and lead to “destruction and a fall” (Prov. 16:18).  God says they are “deserving of death” (Rom. 1:30-32).

Jesus taught very plainly:  “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:3; 18:3-4).  Those who are rich in spirit will have no part in the kingdom of heaven.  May God help us to find favor in His eyes by humbling ourselves before Him!