Let's Go Back to the Bible

13 Things Every Teen Needs to Know (#12)

I know that all of this is a lot to take in and process.  But, it’s kind of like a seed—if you take it and just toss it on the ground and leave it on its own, it will ultimately come to nothing.  But, if you take the time to dig a little, plant it and watch over it, it will ultimately grow and flourish.  So, take the time, with all of these truths and applications, to dig a little, plant them in your heart and watch over them.  Ultimately, you will be better for it!  I have something else that I hope you will truly consider, take to heart and keep with you for the rest of your life.

Tune your heart to this:  Grow in your relationship with Christ! Don’t take your relationship for granted!  Don’t assume that it will always be there!  Don’t expect that it will just grow stronger automatically!  As that precious seedling needs attention and loving care to grow into a strong and healthy plant, your relationship with Christ needs attention and loving care to grow into a strong and healthy bond.  What are some things you can do?

Grow in prayer! Get in the habit of just talking to the Lord!  When you wake up, say, “Lord, please be with me today.  I need you.”  When you’re studying for a test or having a hard time with something, say, “Lord, please help me with this.”  When good things happen, say, “Lord, thank you for that!  You’re just awesome!”  Saying “little prayers” throughout the day will help you grow closer to Him, and it will make it easier for you to set aside a more special time when you might pray for specific things and even keep a list of requests and thanks.

Grow in knowledge! Jesus said that the only way that we can go to heaven is to do the will of the Father (Matt. 7:21).  Well, how can we do the will of the Father if we don’t know the will of the Father?   That’d be pretty hard!  Reading and studying the Bible shouldn’t be viewed as something that we HAVE to do, but instead as something that we WANT to do!  God said it should be something that we “desire” or “long for” or “crave” (1 Pet. 2:2).

Grow in service! One of the greatest ways to grow in your relationship with the Lord is to find ways to serve other people.  I know that might sound strange, but God knows that engaging our hearts in helping others draws our hearts closer to Him.  In order for “the love of God” to “abide” in us, we not only need to “love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18).  Look for ways to serve others, without it drawing attention to yourself (Matt. 6:1-4) but rather attention to God (Matt. 5:16).

We also need to grow in love (John 13:34-35), in trust (Prov. 3:5-6), in zeal (Tit. 2:14), in devotion (Num. 32:12), in purity (1 Tim. 4:12) and in faith (2 Pet. 1:5-8).  What an awesome thought that we can even have a relationship with Him!