Let's Go Back to the Bible

Who do I want to see this?

When you post something on Facebook, you have the option to choose who can see the post. The five options are: (1) Public: Anyone on or off Facebook. (2) Friends: Your friends on Facebook. (3) Friends except: All your friends except selected ones. (4) Specific friends: Only the friends you select. (5) Only me.

Life is much the same way. When you act a certain way or use certain words, you can choose who can see or hear you. Perhaps only “Specific friends” know how you behave when you’re enjoying some down time. Perhaps most “Friends except” your church friends know the language you use on a normal basis. We can be selective on who sees what side of us.

There are at least two things to keep in mind. First, God instructs us to lay aside all hypocrisy (1 Pet. 2:1; cf. Jas. 3:17). Second, regardless of who we select to see or hear certain things, our God in heaven sees all (Heb. 4:13). Let us seek to please Him at all times.