Let's Go Back to the Bible

When you go to worship, do you worship?

The sign in front of the church building says, “Worship: Sunday at 10:00 a.m.” If you go to that church building at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, you can expect there to be a worship service that you can attend. But the question is, when you go to that worship service, do you “worship”?  2019-04-22-When-you-go-to-worship-do-you-worship

“Worship” is a word that can be used to designate an activity of a church at a certain time and place. But using the word itself does not ensure that worship is actually taking place. Worship is an act of giving honor, reverence and praise to God (and as the Greek word indicates, “to kiss toward”). This is a very individual act. This is a very personal act. Do you “worship”?

When you sing in worship, do you actually worship God? When you pray in worship, do you actually worship God? When you give in worship, do you actually worship God? When you commune in worship, do you actually worship God? When you hear God’s Word proclaimed in worship, do you actually worship God? True worship takes effort! So, do you “worship”?