Let's Go Back to the Bible

When those closest to you annoy you

Why is it that those closest to us are often the ones who can hurt us, irritate us and upset us the most? Maybe because we spend more time with them, maybe because they know us best, maybe because we have higher expectations, maybe for no good reason at all. What can we do when those we are closest to annoy us? Perhaps ask a series of questions.

First, is it me? Maybe the problem is not with them. Maybe it’s with me. Spend time doing some introspection. Second, why am I being annoyed? Perhaps it’s not even that big of a deal, but I am making it a bigger deal. Maybe I need to make a change or lower an expectation. Third, how would I want them to respond to me if the situation was reversed? The Golden Rule needs to be applied in this situation (Luke 6:31). Fourth, what would Jesus do in this situation? Surely Jesus has been annoyed with me. How would He respond right now (1 Cor. 11:1)?

Christian love “is patient and kind…is not irritable…endures all things” (1 Cor. 13:4-7). Is that me?