Let's Go Back to the Bible

What’s the state of your union?

Each year we are presented with a “State of the Union” address from the President. If a person knew nothing else about our nation and only listened to the “State of the Union” address each year, he might have some very confused ideas about our union. That’s the nature of “grand  speeches”–they don’t always present a full picture and often lean in a certain direction.

Forget about this nation for a moment. What’s the state of your union? That could be directed at your marriage, since God united you together (Matt. 19:6). Is your marriage union strong? Even more, the question could be directed at your relationship with Christ, since you have been “joined to the Lord” (1 Cor. 6:17; cf. Rom. 6:3-6; Eph. 5:31-32). Is your union with Christ strong?

Rather than deliver a “grand speech,” which would only highlight the “highlight-able,” examine your own heart…thoroughly. Is your union strong, weak, lukewarm? Does it need attention, work, repairs? What steps are needed to make it stronger? This is critical!