Let's Go Back to the Bible

What would you like to be holding in your hand?

The day is coming on which “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ” (2 Cor. 5:10). On that day, what would you like to be holding in your hand, as you stand before your Savior and your Judge? Would you like to be holding a cocktail, a beer or alcoholic beverage of some kind? Would you like to be holding a cigarette and a lighter? Would you like to be holding a laptop computer with pornographic materials on it? Would you like to be holding a cellphone, on which you just sexted an image of yourself or on which you just cursed at someone or said “OMG”? OR, would you like to be holding your Bible, which you had worn out in reading? Would you like to be holding your cellphone, on which you just called a widow or shut-in to offer encouragement? Would you like to be holding the hand of a person you helped lead to Christ? Would you like to be holding the liberal, sacrificial donation you made to the church?

On the day of judgment, each will “receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done.” What you hold in your hand now is what you’ll hold in your hand on that day!